Capital Improvement Program Committee


The Capital Improvement Committee is a valuable part of the community planning process. The CIP links local infrastructure investments with master plan goals, land use ordinances, and economic development efforts. The CIP bridges the gap between spending and planning, between the visions of the Master Plan and the fiscal realities of improving and expanding community facilities. It also offers numerous benefits to the community. 

Preserves public health, safety and welfare; Anticipates demands of growth; Improves communications and coordination between departments and municipal entities; avoids undue property tax increases; supports economic development; and provides the foundation for growth management and impact fees.

In 2019, The Capital Improvement Program and committee was reformed as an ad hoc committee under the Town of Henniker Planning Board, as outlined in RSA 674:5 – 674:8.

The Planning Board appoints the CIP Committee, one of its members will serve as the CIP Committee Chairperson together with four (4) other members for a three year term.


In 2019, The CIP Committee reevaluated and redeveloped the CIP Plan looking at the municipal portion of capital expenses known to date. Through the process a town wide vehicle and equipment inventory was created, the CIP Matrix looking at long-term funding was developed, along with a fund flow analysis looking out to 2049. Moving forward the CIP Committee will also invite the school to become a contributor so that the long-term needs of all entities can be analyzed.

Capital Improvement Program Committee

Term Expires March 2026

Term Expires March 2026

Term Expires March 2025

Rocky Bostrom

Term Expires March 2024

Bruce Trivellini

Term Expires March 2024

Heidi Aucoin

Term Expires March 2025